Once Upon a Stream | Teen Ink

Once Upon a Stream

December 14, 2016
By mallory13 BRONZE, Norcross, Georgia
mallory13 BRONZE, Norcross, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhere in a forest green

There is gently bubbling stream
Over rocks and logs it tumbles
All without a single rumble
You can hear it sing throughout the trees
In harmony with the gentle breeze
“Come those who wander, I need a friend”
“Something more than just the wind”

A child, young, and free of guilt
Floated along on a raft she had built
Made of sticks and simple twine
Singing a lovely nursery rhyme
She made the trees sway and dance
As her voice rose and by a chance
That stream heard her sweet serenade
While she traveled down the waters of jade
She was welcomed cheerfully into a dream
And she dwelled for a while by the stream

After fifteen peaceful years
She brought forth a child, without a tear
And as he grew, so did a feeling
It was so strong, he was done with concealing
As his mother took her last breath
And succumbed to a peaceful death
He left his small dwelling
For he did not enjoy smelling
The breeze or the stream
Or the hazy, morning steam
He set up his life on a large, busy street
Never once did he hear a bird tweet

And when he returned to the stream at last
He built up a town, without thought to the past
The jade of the stream became muddy and brown
The trees became bare, without leafy crowns
The only thing left to see all the sorrow
Was the wind, who doubted the morrow
It howled in pain
While down came the rain
As the stream slowly died
And the clouds ever cried

But then a child, small and alone
Skipped from the town in a dress she had sewn
And when she looked into the waterway
She could practically feel the calming spray
Then her tears began to mix with rain
And her heart slowly filled with pain
And she promised to change what little she could
And with this simple vow she slowly stood

Somewhere in a forest green
There is gently bubbling stream
Over rocks and logs it tumbles
All without a single rumble
You can hear it sing throughout the trees
In harmony with the gentle breeze
“Come those who wander, I need a friend”
“Something more than just the wind”

Will you let die our beautiful earth?
Or will you be the reason for its rebirth?

The author's comments:

I feel very strongly about the environment, and how we are basically killing our planet, so this passion inspired me to write this poem.

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