Your Unplugged Light | Teen Ink

Your Unplugged Light

June 27, 2018
By NatalieJ SILVER, Ankeny, Iowa
NatalieJ SILVER, Ankeny, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about what you get, it's about what you take from it.

I’m here, observing you from afar 
Watching you twinkle  
So bright that it makes my eyes ache 
In a good way.  
I could never see a bad side of you,  
A weak side of you 
A sad side of you. 
Only the strong side, 
The beautiful side,  
The dazzling side. 
You’re somewhere in the black sky 
But you’re unplugged light 
Shines the brightest. 
You don’t need an outlet 
Because you’re the light in the sky. 
You’re the ball of fire  
That’s never going to be tamed. 
You have a clan of others like you,  
A clan of multiple brothers and sisters 
Aunts and uncles 
But I can still find you in the chaos. 
I’m here, watching you, 
Watching you dance across the sky. 
Watching you have the bravery and boldness 
To be yourself.  
I should be like you, 
A star,  
An unplugged light in the dark.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem when I was in Literacy, and we had to pick a topic. I chose the stars because we are like them in a way, all shining our own unplugged light making it through the chaos.

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