Quit Smoking | Teen Ink

Quit Smoking

July 4, 2018
By dhruvbpai BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
dhruvbpai BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

‘Quit Smoking’


Below the earthen floor

Beyond the walls of stone

Deep in the earth

Past the place where spirits moan


Through the cobbled gates of hell

Past the devils and demons

Into the empty nether well

Past the guardian daemon


Into the endless void of evil

Through the wall of death

Inside the prison of ultimate darkness

There stirs a memory of an unpaid debt


And as you cast your searching gaze

Something catches your eye

A glimmer of light in the darkness

An insignificant fly


Yet something is odd about that little light

The darkness around it is dark

And no heat comes from the light

A twisting turning spark


And it speaks of death

And it speaks of a wanting

It speaks of countless opportunities

As if it was in a haunting


But beneath that sad surface of loss

There is a rolling frothing fire

Straining to get out from its prison

An anger that will never tire


And as in still thought we stood

 The orb pulsated and flamed

Then burst in an explosion of light

And a figure burst forth, untamed


With eyes of flame and claws of steel

With wings of darkness and teeth of flame

A mighty beast burst forth

A spirit incapable of shame


It was an incarnate of pure evil

The apocalypse simply put

A beast of death and emptiness

A form of destruction in a body of soot


“I’m free, free at last!” The creature roared

And with a turn of its deep black head

The pits in its head were focused on you

And you were overcome with a sense of dread


Your hand searched your scabbard

Feeling for your sword

And with a flash you found your hilt

All feelings of fear ignored


With a flash of steel and crimson gold

Your weapon was by your side

The only thing you had to fight this darkness

Your single oafish pride


And with heart in your hands

And hands on your weapon

You faced off with this mighty beast

This creature of poisonous venom


And fro and away with a running start

You leapt up to meet the beast

And fought with all your heart

And as you went through his energy decreased


Until finally you got a hit

And you felt him shudder

Then you struck again and finished him off with another


Victory you felt soaring through your wings

And true joy came over you

A feeling that had been long forgotten

A feeling that would come to only a few


Don’t succumb to the beast, quit smoking!

The author's comments:

My grand father died from lung cancer due to smoking and having seen several teens addicted to smoking, I strongly feel that teens should not smoke. This is the poem to increase awareness on dangers of smoking

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This article has 2 comments.

pvb said...
on Aug. 5 2018 at 9:22 pm
pvb, Potomac, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
wonderfully written

ppbhand said...
on Aug. 5 2018 at 9:05 pm
ppbhand, Potomac, Maryland
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment
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