My Eyes | Teen Ink

My Eyes

July 24, 2018
By NatalieJ SILVER, Ankeny, Iowa
NatalieJ SILVER, Ankeny, Iowa
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's not about what you get, it's about what you take from it.

My eyes tell the stories of where I’ve been

The tales of life and death experiences where life would always win

They tell the fears I have out of kin

Or the what adventures I have to win

My eyes tell you what I need

 Whether it’s shelter or a good deed

Or the fact that I want to be freed

My eyes want you to read

My eyes tell the strengths I have

The things I do when I’m pissed of or mad

The thing that I want but never really had

The fact that my childhood was actually bad

My eyes tell words I can’t say

They show the path I should take

I should know the way

But I’m not allowed to stay

My eyes show the importance

Of what I’ve got to receive

How to believe

And how to stay relieved

My eyes show the tall trees

How they stand

How they stay alive without fear

How they’ll able to bare everything else

My eyes show the space between

Me and the outside world

The space between me and my confidence

The space between me and my biggest dreams

My eyes show how hard it is to be me

Without feeling afraid to see reality.

The author's comments:

We all see things differently, but our eyes tell our story.

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