UnKnown Feelings | Teen Ink

UnKnown Feelings

September 11, 2018
By Kase GOLD, Hutchinson, Kansas
Kase GOLD, Hutchinson, Kansas
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is like a waterfall it keeps on going

What is this feeling

I'm standing in a sea of Memories

Only to see what I'm seeing

I think i’m seeing

Breathing thinking


People say I’m insane

I can’t complain

I look in the mirror

Seeing what they’re saying

But my head screams pain

They scream he can’t be contained

I reach for a bottle I’m only 17

But it’s my escape

Cutting didn’t work

Drugs buried me

Dug up pain when I was drugged up

Messed up

And they say suicide is a sin

From pain you cannot gain

Anything, everything sinking away

If pain is a game I have won first place

The author's comments:

Feelings are difficult to understand they are unpredictable even when you see your own. You don't realize your feelings until it is too late, when that wrist is bleeding and it can't be stopped.

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