Sense of Self | Teen Ink

Sense of Self

September 20, 2018
By tennis2018 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
tennis2018 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the scorching desert valley—

sand, sun and scorpions,

seeing a saguaro wave…

I am from adventures—

bike rides with dad on the reservation,

a hundred feet away from a cougar, I fill with fear...

I am from a house with two older brothers —

fighting, frustration and forgiving,

learning how to love through disagreements...

I am from a family who believes in a strong work ethic—

regardless of the continent or language spoken,

we say that “you earn accomplishments through hard work”...

I am from the tennis court—

serving, slicing and sportsmanship,

learning from losses which have given me tough skin...

I am from the loss of loved ones—

taken by cancer and a plane crash,

confused and frustrated…

I am from the scorching desert valley —

sand, sun and scorpions,

seeing a saguaro wave as I enter the land of the Cheeseheads.

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