The Little Paper Airplane | Teen Ink

The Little Paper Airplane

September 22, 2018
By ItsTreasonThen BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
ItsTreasonThen BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

God made this little paper airplane broken

It was his test

The little paper airplane loved to do the things that paper airplanes love

He loved to go to paper airplane school

And he loved to play the paper airplane flute

And he loved his parents

And he loved his paper airplane older sister

But the little paper airplane wasn't like the rest

The other paper planes would soar among the clouds

Hand in hand they conquered the heavens

But God made this little paper airplane broken

And while the rest of the paper airplanes laughed and lived among the birds

The little paper airplane cried at home

The little paper airplane tried his hardest


He tried to be the best brother he could be

And the best friend he could

When his paper airplane friends were down he would smile and say

“It'll be ok”

He would put them on his back

He would use all of his paper airplane might

And be push and push until his paper airplane friend

Was flying again

But God made this paper airplane broken

And all the good works in the world wouldn't make him feel whole

The little paper airplane had a paper airplane lady friend

She was nice to him

When everyone else laughed at him for being broken

She would just take him in her paper airplane arms and she would say

“Forget them. I know how it feels.”

The little paper airplane was ecstatic

“Finally” he thought

“Finally i am happy”

“Finally I can feel ok about myself”

But god made this little paper airplane broken

And the little paper airplane didn't know his bounds

He had no one other than his paper airplane lady friend

He thought of her at every hour

He would ask her all the time to go to the paper airplane ice cream shop

Or go skating at the paper airplane ice skating rink

Then one day she ignored him

The little paper airplane thought it was a mistake

So he asked again

She stopped talking with him at all

The little paper airplane asked her, “hey, is everything ok?”

And she turned to him and said

“I don't love you anymore”

The little paper airplane couldn't breathe

His days were dark and meaningless

His paper airplane grades suffered

He ate less paper airplane food

One day he decided

“I will no longer feel bad for myself”

So when he went to paper airplane school

Every time he saw someone get hurt

When he would usually wince

The little paper airplane tried to laugh

His practice became a habit

Until he forgot all about the paper airplane lady

Then he moved to a new paper airplane school

He met a paper airplane girl

She was cute

And she loved to play the paper airplane flute

Like him

He got her paper airplane phone number

He sent her a few texts

And he was going to ask her on a date

His message was already typed on his paper airplane phone

He started to reread it

To check for paper airplane grammar issues

And he realized

He didn't love her

He looked deep into his paper airplane heart

Grasping for any emotion

To get a grip on his racing paper airplane mind

He thought of his paper airplane sister

And his perfect paper airplane parents

And he felt


Because our little paper airplane had left himself


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