My Sunflower & Anchor | Teen Ink

My Sunflower & Anchor

October 17, 2018
By rileybond1217 BRONZE, Whitehall, Michigan
rileybond1217 BRONZE, Whitehall, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sunflowers are similar to my mother

They stand tall in the darkest of days

Basking in the sun's bright rays

Darkness will come but the flower stands tall

“For when i’m with you you’ll never fall”

Even through days of drought

They’ll always be shining without a doubt

I will have no fear

My sunflower is always near

Anchors are similar to my father

They keep you in place

So you don’t float off in blank space

They stop you from drifting into the abyss of life

Making sure I have no stryfe

Anchors are strong enough

My father is who made me tough

I will have no fear

For my anchor is always near

The author's comments:

This piece is about my two biggest supporters which happen to be my parents. I wrote this because sunflowers are my favorite flower, they represent brilliance and power. Boating is something I love as well and anchors are a symbol of strength and hold you in place. 

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