Creativity | Teen Ink


November 6, 2018
By BEllaK BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
BEllaK BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My energetic friend that lights up my thoughts   

Maybe once or twice a day

Hits me whether I am prepared or not

And reminds me that I am okay.

Whether I am in class or at my house, she calls my name loudly,

I break for a moment, grab my pen, and forget about the troubles around me.

She brightens my days when I sculpt, paint, or draw.

I love it especially because for art, there is no law.

The colors that spark inside my head stem from this great love

And each day I am further convinced that this gift is from above.

I  jot the ideas down as fast as my utensil can move.

All I need to do is get in the groove.

My imagination gets to work and I create amazing things,

For with her in my mind, I feel as though I am able to fly without wings.

The freedom I feel makes me  forget about my proclivities,

And every day I thank the Lord for the wonderful gift of creativity.  

The author's comments:

Inspired by Emily Dickinson's poetry. 

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