Dress Code | Teen Ink

Dress Code

December 12, 2018
By justin_44 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
justin_44 BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

No one can comprehend the teachers viewpoint

When us students enjoy this system so much

They just choose to argue and dissapoint

Refusing to accept dress code and such

We all adore coming to school in our red cotton polo

While teachers and staff childishly refuse

What student would wanna wear something unique and ride solo

In the humid air of Florida, of course we will wear close toed shoes

One day the rebellious teachers will understand

Wearing the right clothes to school to ensure their maturity

The students will no longer try to reprimand

and it will eliminate the feeling of insecurity

The author's comments:

Satircal poem on dress code in the public school system.

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