Who is she? | Teen Ink

Who is she?

January 5, 2019
By ctam9591 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
ctam9591 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Who is she?

Every time I see her

walking beautifully down the hall

my heart pounds rapidly skipping a few beats,

my stomach ties up weirdly forming a few knots,

my hands shake nervously causing a few sweats.

Who is she?

I try to say hi,

but I just stand there

with my mouth open and hand out.

Nothing comes out

nothing happens.

It was like time froze

except she was still moving

gracefully through the air.

Who is she?

She passes right by me

and smiles shyly.

I redden like a ripe cherry ready to get picked.

The question is

Who is she?

The author's comments:

This poem was a free style on how I felt when I first saw my crush. It happened during school and I would always see her walking to her class, which was next to mine. I was a shy person and opening out to her was hard for me. That's why I found it important that I included that into my poem. My feelings in some ways are so strong that I didn't know how to express them using the right words. I used the line "Who is she?" many times because that was exactly what my mind asked. I found this poem fun and hopefully other people will feel the same.

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