Grow Up | Teen Ink

Grow Up

January 11, 2019
By Ellie_Shinkle SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
Ellie_Shinkle SILVER, Temperance, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

her laughter floats through the air as she swings back and forth

the swing is attached to one of your lower branches

its ropes are still brilliantly white, being brand new to this world

the young girl swings higher, but not too high

before she can reach that danger, she jumps, letting go and flying down to safety

her bare feet meet the perfectly green grass that blankets your roots, her toes digging into the soft earth

light filters through you, your leaves casting shadows on the ground

the leaves dance cheerfully in the breeze, and the girl is delighted along with you

she skips and spins, joining you in your joyous dance

your sweet smell beckons her closer, and she runs to you, her hands finding your trunk

she does not care about the stickiness of your sap that clings excitedly to her fingers

she reaches a hand upwards, and she starts to climb towards the sky

your rough bark scratches at her skin, but it’s okay

the callouses will prepare her for the combat of living in the harsh world that she has yet to see

she climbs, higher and higher, until the real world below seems to disappear


I walk up to you,


For the first time in years.

The grass surrounding you

Is brown and

Faded with time.

Your roots have burst from

The broken earth at your base.

Wind pushes at you, and

You creak as you sway,

Back and forth,

Threatening to crumble

 Underneath your own existence.

I glance upwards.

Your branches are bare,

Your leaves

Gone with time.

On one of your branches,

A small strand of rope hangs

Blowing aimlessly in the wind.

It doesn’t hold anything anymore.

Its white threads have

Darkened with time.

I step forwards,

Your rotten odor

Filling my nostrils.

I place a hand on your side.

Your bark doesn’t hurt my hands

Like it did when

I first met you as a child.

I guess you did prepare me,

After all.

The author's comments:

Concrete Image Poem, 2018

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