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January 26, 2019
By Nobody05 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
Nobody05 BRONZE, Elgin, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“If you stare at the center of the universe, there is coldness there. A blankness. Ultimately, the universe doesn't care about us. Time doesn't care about us. That's why we have to care about each other.”
― David Levithan, Every Day

Have you been paying attention,

To all that has changed?

Can’t you see, I’m dying.

All I need is a friend.

I know you’ve been listening-

Always a call away

But I want you to notice

I don’t think I can get through today.

The author's comments:

A poem to a friend I no longer see everyday, I miss them.

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