Change | Teen Ink


February 14, 2019
By KingKong3 SILVER, Wales, Wisconsin
KingKong3 SILVER, Wales, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was from the black and white.

The time before color.

People, a top priority.

Snapchat and unicorns existed equally.

People achieved, and

human contact a commonality looked forward to.

Now I’m from my phone screen.

From a mentality where I itch to check.

View adventure unexperienced personally.

I’m from a time where people put headphones in their ears to block out others.

Where people look at phone screens because eye contact scares.

Where people would rather sit and play Xbox than go outside.

But it’s not too late.

Where I’m from anticipates changed.

I would love to be from a place like the past.

A place where people love.

Where differences are accepted, not shunned.

A place where I can thrive.

Where I look to be from is contrasting.

A goal of change and equality.

A mindset where the focus contains less political and more personal.

I’m stating I look forward to change.

Peers with selfish intents lack empathy.

Surely it will catch up to them.

Let’s go back to the black and white.

The interactive places.

A time of personal connection.

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