Message to Myself | Teen Ink

Message to Myself

March 24, 2019
By mschroeter BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
mschroeter BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever found yourself

Staring so deep into you reflection

Thinking simply



You don’t even deserve your own affection

You try to look away

But your eyes start to wander

Forcing you to stay

It’s a mix between

Self-hatred and self-pity

And no matter how many people

May call you pretty

You can’t help but to think



They are lying

They are just out here trying

To be nice

Yet for a split second

You let yourself wonder

If they might be right

But that was before

You learned to think twice

That’s why you check the scale every morning

That’s why you take every tenth of a pound as a warning

You start to eat less

But that only leads to stress

Leading to a lack of happiness

Because all you feel is distress

It all begins to weigh on you

Like cancer

But you can see the end

You know the answer

Its size six

No four

No two

No zero

You need an extra small

To be too big

And your thighs

Those need to be twigs

Stomach has to be flatter

Otherwise your life will never truly matter

But there is no quick fix

No instant flabs to abs

No magical protein shake mix

You may feel

As if you’re only a piece of blubber

But I’m telling you now

You need to stop being so stubborn

Take another look in the mirror

Open your eyes and smile

I’m going to make what you see

Just a little bit clearer

Because behind whatever impurities

You might see

I see a person with a heart

A person with an amazing mind

A breathtaking personality

Wipe the tears from your face

Set your goals

Win the race

Because trust me

In the end

You won’t want to be remembered

As the one who just ran

But the one who flew

The author's comments:

This was a late night writing inspired by spoken word poems and a need for self love

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