Beauty Personified | Teen Ink

Beauty Personified

April 25, 2019
By jnewman916 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
jnewman916 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She is found in every sunrise and sunset.

You can find her in the darkest nights and in the starlit sky.

In the eyes of a newborn child and in the soul of a 90 year old.

She is a whisper in the wind and a booming, infectious laugh.

She lives in the depths of the sea,

On top of the highest peak.

With one glance, she can take your breath away.

Her existence inspires greatness.

You can find her anywhere and within anyone.

If your heart is open to her.

She is beauty.

The author's comments:

This poem shows that beauty can be found in everything and in everyone.

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