concentration | Teen Ink


June 1, 2019
By kevinkusa BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
kevinkusa BRONZE, Jupiter, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


oh how luxurious it is.

As a young girl, she desired

company in the richly-colored parasols

of wandering butterflies.

Their wings danced too fast

for an unoccupied conscience.

In the Nebraska Plains,

she glared at the brown moth with curiosity.

Costumed bats moved past the manicured lawn

into her fantasy carrying a complex

sensitivity during light flight.

Her parents willingly

caught a jar filled with bees.

It lit her cold fluttering heart

more than fireflies ever could.

The author's comments:

Kevin Kong is a sophomore at A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts in Florida. His writing has been recognized by the Florida State Poets Association and the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. His poetry is forthcoming in the FSPA anthology, Cadence. He enjoys playing the cello and eating hotpot.

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