American Family | Teen Ink

American Family

September 19, 2019
By 0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
0neary SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from the typical “American Family”— 

where we had our life put together—  

then an abrupt ending took place when no one expected it.

I am from a world that needed to split— 

knowing my parents feelings were opposite— 

having the gut wrenching feeling while moving.

I am from waiting in the car at Aurora for the other parent to pick me up for their days—

shoving my bags full of clothes for the week— 

concerned I will forget a necessity with my other parent.

I am from household expectations changing—

remembering which rule belonged to which parent—

while not bringing up the other parents rules when they were not fair.

I am from awkward interactions at birthdays and graduations—

watching them interact after the split and feeling uncomfortable—

waiting for the time to pass by, just to be able to go home. 

I am from rethinking past memories and knowing the truth—

seeing how they weren’t happy together, arguing constantly—

looking back and being able to point more of those times out.

I am from divorced parents—

that decided to split when my brother was 8 and I was 11—

to improve their lives for the future. 

I am from today’s typical “American Family”. 

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