Be Patient | Teen Ink

Be Patient

September 20, 2019
By masoncarnell BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
masoncarnell BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from doubters— 

“He’s not that good,” “Not tall enough,” “No chance for success.”

I wanted to swear. 

I am from the University of Arrowhead— 

“He's cocky,” “Doesn’t have to work hard!” “Thinks he's good!”

I played it off.

I am from a family of 5 with 2 brothers—  

“Travis gets to do whatever he wants” “Tyler is Dad’s favorite” “Mom and Dad aren't fair.”

I feel blessed and spoiled.

I am from sacrificing my summers— 

“Come to the party tonight” “I have to be home by 11” “I don’t have a life.”

I knew it was in my best interest.

I am from the state of mind that I can be the best— 

”It's all talk”, “Not even in the ranks” “No chance.”

I wanted to show them otherwise.

I am from where “BE PATIENT” is something I never want to hear again— 

“This is a slow process” ,“More will come” ,“It'll be fine.”

I hope they know it easy to say when their future isn't on the line.

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