Mother Nature | Teen Ink

Mother Nature

October 9, 2019
By AnyaL1375 BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
AnyaL1375 BRONZE, Lisbon, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am the watchful eye the living.

I am the birds that you see in flight,

soaring above,

Above the oaks and pines.

Melodiously I sing in the morning,

rousing the creatures below from slumber,

and cry in alarm or sit in silence to warn others of predators near.

I am the air you breathe,

the thing life cannot exist without.

I am all around you, moving, flowing.

But I can’t be seen, touched, smelled, nor tasted.

I am the trees swaying in the wind,

speaking my own language.

Silently looking on, 


I am the churning oceans, 

the winding rivers flowing across the lands,

and the lakes, once carved from glaciers. 

Liquid life holding the world in its grip.

I am the babes clinging to their mothers,

adjusting to the new world

seeking guidance and protection.

I am also the babes born alone

with their instinct and subconsciousness to survive, to thrive.

Just like my ancestors did.

Just like my offspring will do as well. 

I am of all humble beginnings and of all ends.

I am disease and old age,

ready to pounce and take your final breathe.

I am disasters and of rebuilding,

of tornados and hurricanes, fires and floods,

of new trees, moss, and flowers taking over the once damaged landscape.

And no one can bring me down without bringing the world with it

For I am Mother Nature, and am apart of everything that keeps you alive.

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