Beautiful Disaster | Teen Ink

Beautiful Disaster

October 10, 2019
By bushcamper5000 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
bushcamper5000 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Powerful winds pick up speed, the sky darkens and widens, thunder roars as if a train were inches away. Yet sometimes you don’t hear a roar at all. Some are hard to see, and others disguise  

themselves in the darkness. Portrayed as a funnel coming down from above, when

 in reality it may look like a furry flock of birds swirling swirling swirling

Adversity reigns through towns with terror, leaving nothing but pure despair.

Cherished childhood memories blowing with the disaster, swept away

within the blink of an eye. Gone without a trace trace trace

Ravaging tornadoes tearing through the once lush green farmland,

swallowing the vegetation from the fertile soil, making room

for new plants to blossom and progress. Collapsed Cedar 

corpses create cabins for creatures to crawl crawl crawl 

Allowing broken communities to grow together in times

of anguish. Knowing they are not alone, they 

build connections to grow close close close

Dispersing animals, plants, and pollen

across the country, it supports life to 

rejuvenate rejuvenate rejuvenate

                                                       Opportunities for newborn life 

      span across from sea to sea 

                                                            Often misinterpreted by

                                                              Beauty beauty beauty

                                                          Xipe Totec, the one who lets 

                                                                  the fearful see the 

                                                                       good left in


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