Admire and Achieve | Teen Ink

Admire and Achieve

December 4, 2019
By Anonymous

My mother always strives for her dream;

She goes back to school even though it really makes her scream.

Her hard work always pays off;

She is also very humble and never shows off.

She has a great desire to aid the ones in need;

I get all my great traits from her and she pushes me to succeed.

She always gives me life advice;

I use her tips to my advantage and they help to better my vice.

At times, my sister and I may come off as a little wrecked, 

But my mother made sure to raise us with respect.

She cares for her patients like they are family;

I bet she would do anything and everything to save humanity.

The beach is her happy place;

She hopes to retire and move there to be at peace.

I admire her faith in our dog,

But Gigi is terrible and eats up the frogs.

She goes to “Trader Joe’s” on her off days;

The place that is her most beloved craze.

She will support me in whatever I do,

And I will always admire her very fair view.

The author's comments:

This poem is about my mother whom I admire.

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