the art of blame | Teen Ink

the art of blame

December 30, 2020
By riakakar BRONZE, Monroe Township, New Jersey
riakakar BRONZE, Monroe Township, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mona Lisa and The Starry Night are both worth the fame

But have you ever heard of a piece titled “the art of blame”? 

It is very simple to decipher 

Because it is not art at all 

It is the way we go about blame 

And stumble and fall 

We blame others and nature for much of our wrongdoings

But we criticize ourselves more than we should be pursuing 

The art of blame takes two, not one

So why do we only blame ourselves for things that were done? 

It hurts us more for not taking action 

Because with that, there would be greater benefaction

But the beauty of the Art of Blame

The colors that surround it all 

Is that we are the art 

And the blame is for ours to call.

The author's comments:

This piece was written by me during a time where I blamed myself for everything that occurred in my life. I decided to write a poem that encompassed how I felt and how I dealt with blaming myself. 

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