Just One Step | Teen Ink

Just One Step

March 29, 2021
By siennamarshak BRONZE, Cohasset, Massachusetts
siennamarshak BRONZE, Cohasset, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I stare into 

the bottomless, breathless, burrow

My palms are covered in sweat like skin to an animal

moving down slowly while my feet are attacked with cold liquid

I am pressured to take the final step into the hole

My head goes under 

My eyes flutter open

Like a hurried fairy 

The water surges and stops the life in me

But then it comes into view

My toes are engaged

A hard, dark, mat of concrete 

The ground

The ground

The ground 

I put my feet down and am grounded with heavenly relief

My throat stings with pain but my heart stings with pride

I have done it

I have done it

I have done it

I have made it to the end 

The water is cool

in the bustling, big pool

The author's comments:

I am 13 years old and I live in a small town in Massachusettes. I have a 2 parents, and two sisters. My poem is about the first time I went into the big pool at my standard town pool. I was about 5 years old and my little sister was not born yet. I had to write this for an English assignment and I got 100% on it! I put all of my heart into this poem and I am so happy to be doing this. 

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