My Sweet, Darling, Perfection | Teen Ink

My Sweet, Darling, Perfection

April 26, 2021
By AVALINAANDREW BRONZE, Newhall, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Perfection,
I remember the tingle that buzzed through me when I discovered you knew my name
I remember trying to blink less
So I wouldn’t miss a moment of your presence
I remember laughing to disguise my desire
Oh how I craved your touch
I remember you reciprocating every emotion with tender eyes
I remember it as if it actually happened
The mind is a funny thing 
I realize now that I daydream too often
I never had you, I only chased you
I chased
I chased the bar you set 
The validation
The fantasy 
And you let me
I tied myself up in your strings
And you used me as a puppet
I still want you
But I don’t need you anymore
I don’t need you telling me what to say
What to wear
Who to be
I am discovering that I am enough
That your perception of value is wrong
You made me believe that I was broken
And maybe I was.
Not for the reasons you whispered in my ears
But because I listened.
You had me fooled
How could you possibly care for me the way I cared for you
I understand now why I never saw you in pictures
In the scale
In the mirror
You never existed
You never will 
My sweet, darling, perfection.
You are a figment of my imagination
And it’s time I stop daydreaming
I love life without you
I love imperfection
Sincerely, Ava

The author's comments:

The concept of perfection has taken over our lives. I wrote this piece because I want to encourage youth everywhere to take back their lives and live them freely. Without having to feel the pressure to be perfect. Everyone deserves to look at themselves and smile.

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