Tapestry | Teen Ink

Tapestry MAG

By Anonymous

     He takes my words and adds my smiles
Spins them, spins them
Green to emerald, yellow to gold
Sitting at his spinning wheel
Thank goodness for the thread
Lest my laughs be lost
In the forever spinning abyss of my mind.
He takes and takes, a rug he makes
I give my thoughts and my mistakes
Spins them, spins them
Red to crimson, black to ebony
My life is
A tapestry.
It rests upon my bedroom floor -
All walls are covered, I have no more!
One even blocks my bedroom door
I gaze longingly at the colors
And cough in the dust.
You come knocking but the
Sound is muffled and
I can’t hear.

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This article has 1 comment.

i love this so much!