Child | Teen Ink


August 18, 2021
By zcbakerpike SILVER, St. John's, Newfoundland-Labrador
zcbakerpike SILVER, St. John's, Newfoundland-Labrador
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was only a child

but you actions decided

that I would grow at an alarming rate

Simply too fast, so,

I broke.


Like a small,

limp tree

hit by a 



cold winter.


My broken was scattered along

like salt on an icy driveway.

The pieces of me were up for taking,

the vultures would pick and poke 

until what was left of me 

was meshed into who you see today.


It is your fault

that I can't sleep 

It's your fault

that I can't escape my thoughts

It's your fault

that I don't know how to love

It's your fault

It's your fault

It's your fault

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