My Sister | Teen Ink

My Sister

February 16, 2022
By Sloane_Burpo BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
Sloane_Burpo BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My sister is the meanest, cruelest person that I know.

But alas, when people see her, she doesn’t let it show.

People love to tell me “she’s so perfect, she’s so kind”

But her dusty breezes have turned her victims blind.

She makes me trip over her feet.

She makes me go her way.

She lets her pets snap at me 

And laughs when I run away.

She turns the heater on to high

And never turns it down

I’m always caught in her thorny claws

I can’t help but wear a frown

But at night, when she goes to sleep,

I turn the heater low.

My pets come out, don’t make a peep.

The time passes slow.

I sit in my sweet silence. 

I bask in my moon’s light.

I gaze up at my midnight stars.

They burn so small and bright.

I pray one day she’ll see

How lovely our home can be

Through my reddened eyes.

The author's comments:

This poem is about the desert at night verses the desert during the day

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