Rage Is A Book | Teen Ink

Rage Is A Book

March 7, 2022
By tabbyjanelle BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
tabbyjanelle BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

(2 narratives: Book and Author)

Topic: Rage Object: Book

Books lines are in “”


Manipulative and conniving.

A book can be your worst nightmare or the loveliest of dreams.

It’s filled with limitless possibilities

Forget about the false advertising. 

Forget everything about your perception of an “ideal fantasy”.

This is reality.

The paper cuts, the sleepless nights, the trash bins filled with lost ideas, the tears. 


My rage collectively grows and overflows unto this aged paper.

It angers me so.

Why does every chapter feel like a burden?

Why do I want to destroy something so delicate?

Well. let me be frank, no matter how many trilogies I write I will never be able to properly articulate my venomous anger.


My story will never be popular enough..

It never holds the readers'- attention. It’s not fair.

It’s your fault.

I feel mistreated, torn, like I’M the one left in someone’s bag: Untouched.

I’m the one that’s being borrowed and passed on from the next person

To the next.. To the next.



“The purpose I serve is to help understand.”

“However, I’m never understood.” 

“You’ve torn my pages, ripped my spine, my heart, my format, my body. My plot may be read but it’s never perceived.”




“Why do I have to worry about the idea of being replaced?”

“What is the point of being a source of intellect and comfort when I can transform into a weapon?!”

“Will someone care for me now? Weapons cause destruction.


“I want to cause destruction.”


“Then use me, let me be the manual.”

“At least you own your weapons with pride! At least you utilize them!”

“So proceed, go on! Make the world feel belittled and go and promote hate!”

“And in the process disfigure yourself while you disfigure your enemies.”


“Please, I could care less if you damage your own covers, by all means-”



“You will be nothing in comparison to the future”

“And you were nothing in comparison to your predecessors!”


“You are a book!”

“You are outdated!”

“You are misplaced!”


“Fine, I’ll show you a book. I’ll make you feel the pain and remorse.”

“I’ll peel back your leather and expose you till you’re bare; spineless”

“I’ll throw you away and recycle every useless thought in that head of yours”


“Get ready for the ride of your life because I am so much more than a book.”

“I will put you through the emotional ringer.”

”I control you. 

“I am a manifestation of rage.”

The author's comments:

The intention behind this piece is to prove that even the most random and inanimate objects can be associated with any emotion. Not every poem will have a meaning, and every poem won't make sense. The point of even writing in the first place is utilizing the creative outlet; letting the imagination collaborate in a form of expression. The inspiration for writing this originated from a Literature assignment where we were obligated to write a free-verse poem based on emotion and an object. The best part was that it was all up to chance, once we got the topics we were stuck with them. I thought I'd never be able to cultivate a poem out of "anger" and "a book". Luckily, to my surprise, it turned out well! I hope others enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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