Pieces of a puzzle | Teen Ink

Pieces of a puzzle

March 10, 2022
By Earned_Golden SILVER, Kooskia, Idaho
Earned_Golden SILVER, Kooskia, Idaho
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You never really know someone fully

You spend your whole life piecing their life together

But there will always be one piece missing

No matter how many pieces you find there is always one more

The puzzle will always get bigger

No matter how big it is it can get bigger

And sometimes people don't want you to put together their puzzle

They want to be unsorted

They don't want you to see the big picture all at once

But sometimes you have to go against them

You have to piece it together in secret

Ask family for pieces

But even then you cannot figure them out

It makes you mad

You try to put pieces that don't belong in the empty places

An end up breaking the whole puzzle

All of your progress

Destroyed by your impatience

Guess you will have to restart

But it may be easier since you have done it before

But getting the pieces again will be harder

You lost them now you have to find them again

Good luck to you from me

Hope you can do it

Just don't break it again

Because when you do

All the pieces just disappear

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