if you could put me into words | Teen Ink

if you could put me into words

April 12, 2022
By riya_kharode PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
riya_kharode PLATINUM, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
22 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"though I may be going down, I'm taking flame over burning out" -sara bareilles, uncharted

if you could put me into words

i’d be rain

cold and soft

that can’t stop falling

i’d be paper

cut, folded, ripped, crumpled

taking any form it pleases

if you could put me into words

i’d be a clock that runs too slow

taking its own sweet time

i’d be glass

easy to see through 

but broken often and easily

if you could put me into words,

you’d think you understand me

but you can’t

The author's comments:

This poem started out as a really long list of metaphors which I refined and trimmed a lot. It was a lot of fun to write!

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