Phone Number Poems | Teen Ink

Phone Number Poems

May 12, 2022
By briannahuston22 BRONZE, Alliance, Nebraska
briannahuston22 BRONZE, Alliance, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

6- you are the best mom ever

7- the love you give is so unique 

2- you’re loved

6- I’ve never seen anybody more gorgeous

2- then you 

8- you always love so hard no matter what

9- you are the one who makes life worth living 


7- you always said you didn’t have any friends

6- but your last day above ground


9- the funeral home was so packed I couldn’t breath

1- in

3- all the people 

4- you are missed Brycen..

7- you always mention how you could improve

6- but I know you are amazing

3- no matter what

9- you always manage to show up and show out

4- no matter if its

2- husker gameday

5- you don’t miss my game day

7- to the women, i wish to be

6- you have always been my role model 

3- you are amazing

1- and

7- you always manage to make my events

5- even if you’re on call

5- you are such a blessing 

The author's comments:

this piece includes the phone numbers of my favorite friends and loved ones. 

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