Cliche of Perfection. | Teen Ink

Cliche of Perfection.

June 6, 2022
By crowkir000 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
crowkir000 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Perfection is not achievement based.

Everyone always hears the cliche of little Ms. Perfect falling short of perfection. The Story starts with a young talented girl- highly involved and set up for success. The story continues to build and so does her resume. Little Ms. Perfect could take on the world. She usually has straight A's, volunteers, feeds the homeless, you know- the whole shabang. Then the story goes one of two ways: She either messed up, gets drunk and thinks her life is over, or she breaks. She cant take the pressure and snaps. The weight of perfection finally catches up to her. Team captain, valadictorian, club president all words that once fueled her validation suddenly are meaningless. Words that used to have so much power over her life suddenly mean absolutely nothing. Her life becomes filled with exhaustion and anxiety. She feels like shes let everyone down but is too exhausted to make a change in her life. Exhausted from the countless hours to reach a perfect SAT Score. exhausted from the thousands of reps to look good on the field. Exhausted from the idea of College. Exhausted from the fake laughs so others have a reason to smile. Exhausted from chasing perfection cause she thought that was the only way shed get anywhere in life. She's too scared to ask for help because she cannot appear weak. But the cliche is, she already is weak. She already broke. She already fell short of perfection. She broke or shattered, or snapped or bended or caved in or cracked. Her perfection had become imperfect. However the story puts it. But she broke. 

The author's comments:

This piece is something I hope SO many highschoolers can relate to and realise life is so much more than perfection. 

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