The Twins👥 | Teen Ink

The Twins👥

June 7, 2022
By Anonymous

My life is like a road trip full of tosses and turns and unexpected journeys,

The driver, full of motivation and determination hopeful for the road to come,

The passenger on the other hand full of rage, sadness, and disappointment,

Desperately trying to veer the car off this road trying to end it.

The driver, fighting with all of their will to stay on the road and keep going,

The fighting, filling the car with negative thought processes and patterns that never seem to.

End it never seems to End, the growth, the loss, the time, it never ends.

But a crack in the window breaks the pressure

causing those negative emotions to slowly leave and seep out into the rest of the world,

The drivers are twins, Tall, with brown hair and a scar on their back forever entangling themselves in a loop of self-hatred and love never ceasing to end.

Stopping along the way they create good or bad memories of that perfect bakery smells and loud festival music filing both twins with anticipation to create these perfect paradise memories. 

Those memories are forever an opportunity for happiness and bliss

It will not End

The author's comments:

This piece was about how i felt in my head and how my mindset was in that moment.

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