Mirror Mirror On The Wall | Teen Ink

Mirror Mirror On The Wall

August 16, 2022
By ThePoetUnlynched SILVER, Collingswood, New Jersey
ThePoetUnlynched SILVER, Collingswood, New Jersey
8 articles 3 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's true, Batsy! I know everything. And kinda like the kid who peeks at his Christmas presents, I must admit, it’s sadly anti-climactic. Behind all the sturm and batarangs, you’re just a little boy in a playsuit, crying for mommy and daddy!" — Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker

“Smile, because it confuses people. Smile, because it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside.” ― The Joker

“Let’s put a smile on that face!” – The Joker

mirror mirror on the wall

who's the manliest of them all?

is it me even with my chest bound? 

is it me even with this drawn-on mustache?

mirror mirror on the wall

lie to me gently if possible.

mirror mirror on the wall tell me I am handsome and the manliest of all, or just manly in general

because if I hear one more she instead of he, I might tear down this house and use the bricks to build a box around myself

there is no doubt that tears will fall

no doubt I will scream my throat raw

is it wrong to think "if I scream myself raw, will I sound manly?"

wrong to think about just ending it all? 

because if I can not live to be myself then what is the point of living at all?

I don't want to be the next Rapunzel

I would rather be Flynn Rider who was free as a bird even while being chased by prison guards  

mirror mirror on the wall 

please don't let me stare too long

because I know if I stare at my reflection 

everything masculine will eventually become feminine

mirror mirror on the wall

I don't want to be a Disney princess anymore

I don't want to be Belle from beauty and the beast

I want to be the beast

so mirror mirror on the wall

who's the manliest of them all?

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