Striving for Perfection | Teen Ink

Striving for Perfection

August 22, 2022
By Adeenah_Zaheer BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
Adeenah_Zaheer BRONZE, Riyadh, Other
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

The world shredding me each day,

People raiding my faith,

Nobody to care, just there to tear.


Will they ever let me be myself? Will I be accepted?

Questions running in my head put me under strain,

Being “perfect” is what they want me to attain

Being myself is what I restrain.


I can feel the pain-numbing me, cold blood in my veins

World letting me breathe, not much but just enough to strive,

Holding me back is their fear and killing me is the pain.

The author's comments:

Is it easy to be in your skin? Being yourself is made challenging by people who standardize 'perfect' humans as worthy beings. It's difficult for people to accept you the way you are, pressurizing individuals to become a certain way. Therefore we have to work together to create welcoming societies for all.

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