time has no relevance, not anymore | Teen Ink

time has no relevance, not anymore

August 29, 2022
By dalxluv GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
dalxluv GOLD, St. Louis, Missouri
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
cause you only live forever in the lights you make
when we were young, we used to say
that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break
now we are the kids from yesterday
~ my chemical romance

it's been exactly one month 12 days 15 hours

45 minutes and 5 seconds since that pit in my stomach formed 

falling into it,

never to hit the bottom.

continuous motion making me sick every time i think.

the need to get everything out of my system with that comes a single thought.


this isn't temporary.

permanent will forever be a word i hate because of you.

endings always seemed bittersweet to me,

bitter is all i feel.

regret and sorrow have become my friend.

they try to fill the abyss with memory's of you.

if it is to save me or bury me is a question for another time.

i'll patiently wait for my exit.

after all it has never been my time.

The author's comments:

i really miss him

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