Nightmare | Teen Ink


October 3, 2022
By TheMan123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
TheMan123 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 Hayden Gregory I am Poem #2 (Nightmare) 

I am Stuck in the middle of the four sisters 

I am focused on my future 

I am the depth of my valley 

I am the peak of my mountain 

I am my Present, past, and my future 

I am courageous and strength 

I am the love I give to others 

I am my dreams of becoming a fireman 

I am responding to the call 

I am Fighting the flames 

I am trapped 

I am surrounded by flames 

I am losing air 

I am becoming not able to breath 

I am with the ones I love 

I fall

I am the siren 

I am the body 

I am the lost firefighter 


The author's comments:

This would be My fear 

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