Under the Stars | Teen Ink

Under the Stars

December 16, 2022
By Alex_A BRONZE, Morganton, North Carolina
Alex_A BRONZE, Morganton, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Time feels as if it will never end

The day will try to exhaust you 

But stare up at the stars 

And one thing stays the same

The comfort like a weighted blanket 

The feeling of flight 

As if you can be anywhere

Days pull you down like a sinking ship 

Check the stars to calm you 

As the sun sinks its heels into the dirt 

The stars rise with a golden glisten 

Close your eyes and think of the fading summer skies

Under the stars you lie

Your body relaxes as the grass pushes on your clothes 

And the only thing you can see is the world above 

I promise you the sandman will come 

And steal away your grief for a small time 

As you sink in deeper and deeper   

You feel nothing

Except the pressure 

Under the stars

The author's comments:

I’m 16, I’m still pretty new to this but I try to put every emotion into each poem.

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