Days in between | Teen Ink

Days in between

January 5, 2023
By Anonymous

People never talk about the days in between

The days in between heartbreak and happiness

And the interesting things

I live in the days in between

Uneventful evenings and emotionless days

It’s all starting to feel like a daze

I crave drama and excitement

Because lately in my life I can’t seem to find it

It feels like the whole world is silent and I just want to scream

I hear gossip through my friends but it never changes

The same old stuff is all they keep saying

My gloom has become all consuming as my boredom becomes evidently looming

My life is starting to become a loop

Each day the same as the last, each hoop I have to jump through, is just a silent struggle, 

never ending problems, maybe I just need to regroup

When people ask me how my day was all I can say is ok

Never better, never different, always just the same

Why is everyday never better than just ok

People never talk about the days in between

But our lives are lived through days just like these

I am trapped, nobody sees, not even me

The author's comments:

This piece describes feeling trapped in everyday life and in a way disconnecting from emotions and not being social. In a way your life starts to feel like a routine and you start to drift.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 11 2023 at 3:01 pm
msophie112 SILVER, Colorado Springs, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We may encounter many defeats in life but we are never defeated."
-Maya Angelou

I have heard such a strong poem that I relate to.