I can be | Teen Ink

I can be

January 31, 2023
By RileyJ345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
RileyJ345 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can be willful, like a baby bird trying to fly from the nest

I can be negative, like a stockbroker coming home from a bad day of work  

I can be decisive, like a CEO in a business meeting 

I can be independent, like a rebellious teenager 

I can be loud, like the sounds of laughter and splashing of a hot summer day 

I can be confident, like a basketball player putting up his 100th shot at practice 

I can be intriguing, like a newfound species of plants  

I can be mysterious, like an undiscovered treasure 

I can be helpful, like a customer services worker 

I can be rude, like an angry taxi driver 

I can be anything but I chose what I want to be 

I chose to be nice,  like the local baker 

I chose to be friendly, like the person who always has a smile on their face 

I chose to be thoughtful, like someone who plans your surprise birthday 

I chose how I want others to see me that is what personality is

I can be is the thought of what possibility we have  

I can be is our potential 

I chose to be what we are 

Perception of others on ourselves is the choices we make 

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