Your Eyes Are Prettier Than the Stars | Teen Ink

Your Eyes Are Prettier Than the Stars

March 22, 2023
By princesshardtimes BRONZE, Newtown, Pennsylvania
princesshardtimes BRONZE, Newtown, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I closed my eyes, feeling a point of infinite love and infinite grief, and comfort in knowing, for the first time, that I have infinite space inside for both.” ― Michelle Cuevas, Confessions of an Imaginary Friend

Your eyes are prettier than the stars

They sparkle and glow so beautifully 

I could stare at them all night long

Your eyes are like tiny memoirs

Through your silence, I still read you

And I lose myself in the glimmer and gleam 

Your eyes are like permanent scars

Never forgetting the feeling when ours meet

Forever living in my heart and mind

The author's comments:

Written about something that could have been </3

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