Fighting for My Future | Teen Ink

Fighting for My Future

April 7, 2023
By Anonymous

To you my identity is [dangerous], [disastrous], and [harmful]. But to me I simply just don't want to be a she or a he, and now you've taken away the ability for me to be. 


You dictate our bodies and choices because it doesn't matter where we are you'll always be there muting our voices


You spend hours a day falsely preaching, meanwhile people are fired for being themselves while teaching 


You rewrite and overwrite grammar and language to eradicate us and keep us locked up in cages.


You get away with anything illegal but, somehow when I breathe it's lethal 


Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but to me these false words couldn't mean any less 

They say this country is free but here I am being forced to pay the price as you take my rights to live a happy life, to grow old with my future wife 


In your eyes we're conniving 

But in ours 

we're no longer living we're surviving 


We look at ourselves and stand with pride cause we can't afford to stand off to the side 


While you spend all day tweeting

 I'm getting a verbal beating 

Getting punished for being myself

But goddammit … how can I be anyone else 

The author's comments:

This is a passion peice that speaks out for queer rights. Being a lesbian questioning their gender identity, when I saw that Tennessee had banned drag in public spaces that was my last straw. This year has been terrible for equality and it's time we change that. If you like this poem please spread the word about what's happening on every media platform and tell who you can. This issue is serious and can be stopped. Thank you for reading and stay safe! :) - Q

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