Why must I? | Teen Ink

Why must I?

April 8, 2023
By Hiddenzero SILVER, East Haven, Connecticut
Hiddenzero SILVER, East Haven, Connecticut
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Pain is temporary, Love is forever.

Love is hard,

Why must I play the part?

Endless nights I’ve suffered,

Why must I play the part?

Endless times you’ve lied,

Consistent like rain drops on my window,

Why must I play the part?

I thought you loved me,

Although your words sent me down an endless spiral,

It was as if you thought you could provoke my anger,

I could of let you,

I could of been gone with a sudden breeze,

Then i realized the key,

Something I’ve idolized for the hard times to come,

Why must I play the part?

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a broken family dynamic, one of which I am learning from to this day. Communication is an important skill.

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