Ours | Teen Ink


May 2, 2023
By lxevndrk GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
lxevndrk GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The immeasurable pileup;

growing foundation in my dreams and increasing exponentially after the alarm. 

Fears and doubts are emitting more than their share. 

I brush my teeth amidst rising sea levels,

and fold laundry in rising temperatures. 

I make my morning commute along a highway,

the oil engine of my car is leaking, but I don't have the budget for climate action.

Can I blame a slow bureaucracy for the carbon footprint of my laptop?

Is my reusable water bottle an appropriate sacrifice

for the plastic bags accumulating beside my trashcan and along the sidewalks?

1.3 billion people who live in poverty suffer 

for the changes I’m unwilling to make.

Someone’s water is rationed, but I prefer almond milk in my latte.  

A handful of people switching to a reusable cleaning cloth

can’t undo the environmental ruin of industry. 

The clock reads 2:09 pm and I’m celebrating “only three hours left.”

A small voice in my head asks “what if we run out of time?” 

What if there’s no tomorrow to start making a change?

I live aware of what should be done. The damage of my, of our actions surrounds us.

It’s in our lungs and beneath our feet. 

If sustainability is left up to them, 

tomorrow will never look any different. Climate change is our issue.

The author's comments:

By Alexis Vondrak

12th grade, Arrowhead Union High School, WI

With lines from “An Inequitable Truth: Gender and its Inseparable Link to Climate Change” by Laura Goodfield, a Pulitzer Center Reporting Project

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