Change | Teen Ink


June 8, 2023
By dc_x06 GOLD, Lee, New Hampshire
dc_x06 GOLD, Lee, New Hampshire
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Empathy nurtures wisdom. Apathy cultivates ignorance."
- Suzy Kassem

Within the shadows of shattered dreams,

Lies the wreckage of our broken seams.

The venomous words, like acid, ate away,

Leaving behind scars and decay.


Each touch ignited an inferno of pain,

Yet we clung to this madness, to our disdain.

The love we had, a phantom in the night,

Haunted our hearts, casting shadows of fright.


In desperation, we held onto false hope,

Like sailors adrift, clinging to a frayed rope.

With shattered hearts and spirits bruised,

We bid farewell; our souls confused.

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