Confort Women | Teen Ink

Confort Women

August 24, 2023
By mayy_897 SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
mayy_897 SILVER, Hopkinton, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"To define is to limit"

Between 1932 and 1945, Japan forced women from Korea, China, and other occupied countries to become military sex slaves.

You kiss yourself-                Let my skin turn into silk 

Like a lover.                         For you

To be touched without         My cries become song

an aftertaste of gunpowder         & Let body become limp.

and cigarette smoke on         O' death how could you

Course hands stained red.       lose this race

You hug yourself                   O' mother,

to remember your mothers       If you heard these prayers

touch, her cries telling          Would you come searching?

you to come back soon,             or would you believe

too soon                              There was nothing left

     too late.                               To search for?

To be a man is to kill             tonight i chew

whether the boy                         on blood lip

or the woman                       with nothing left

To be a man is to take                 What of the fields?

Whether the body                  What of the bombs?

Or the soul                                  If we shot a bullet

And in its place                      would it leave an

Leave an             entry wound

As big as future                      to numb?

                    If we lived

                  Would there be anything 

                    to live for?

The author's comments:

A poem from two perspectives of the tragedy that is comfort women.

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