Outside Says One, Inside Says None | Teen Ink

Outside Says One, Inside Says None

September 27, 2023
By oliviamae24 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
oliviamae24 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Outside, I'm ecstatic to be a senior;

inside, I don't think I've ever been more nervous for anything.

Outside, I'm ready to move on and be done with swim;

inside, 10-year-old me hates present-me for quitting before my senior year.

Outside, I'm happy with my decision to cut my hair and don't care what others say;

inside, I hurt from all the things I hear about it and wish I never cut it.

Outside, I'm comfortable and confident in my body;

inside, I cry because my legs now rub together when I walk.

Outside, I'm positive I am ready to stop swimming, that it will be good for me;

inside, I don't think I have a personality outside of the pool and am afraid for it to be over.

Outside, I'm hesitant for who I share things with because I'm “private”;

inside, I wish I could tell people how I feel, but I never want to hurt the way I did.

Outside, I'm telling people I want to stay in Wisconsin for college;

inside, I wish I could go far away and never come back.

Outside, I'm living exactly how I always wished my life would be going;

inside, I can pick out every little detail I long to change about myself, physically and mentally.

Outside, I'm counting down the days until graduation, when I can get out of here;

inside, I don't want to have to experience the unknown without my friends.

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