RED | Teen Ink


September 27, 2023
By AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
AHSbaseballwriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What does red feel like? No. What does red not feel like? 

Happiness. Happiness can not be red. Not because the colors don't match, but because Happiness is a bright, exciting, good feeling. Red is not that.

Sad. Sadness is a dark, cool, painful feeling. Red is not that.

Anger. Anger is a hot and fiery and powerful feeling. But red is not that.

What is red? Red is not anger or an apple or flames. 

Red is needles being shot into your skin by a porcupine.

But red is also the smoothness of a flame flowing through the air, or a Ferrari roaring down the street. Red is the heat on a summer day in the sun watching your ice cream melt in 3 seconds.

But red is the coolness of Biofreeze on a sore arm after a baseball tournament.

But really, what is red?

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