The Gathering Place | Teen Ink

The Gathering Place

October 20, 2023
By 4cushman SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4cushman SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The sun peeks above the horizon, 

Bringing orange light to all of the mountaintops;

It creeps above the clouds.

It’s the type of view you look at 

As if you have never seen it before. 

Although you have, 

You are still simply amazed

At the sights of our fascinating world, 

Which seem to differ every day.  

The views of this gorgeous state

Look like a picture that can only be captured with your eyes. 

The various islands surrounding you 

Truly an organic beauty. 

The sun feels like a constant pleasant burn on my skin, 

The water from the ocean tastes salty on my lips.

Marine life is like nothing I have seen anywhere else. 

The vibrant fish, the beautiful coral reefs; 

Untouchable, with subtle elegance.

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